A 44 yr old female came with c/o generalized weakness

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

Pt presented to opd with c/o Generalized weakness.

A 44 yr old female who was apparently asymptomatic 1 yr back then developed pain in the legs(dragging type) ,which is a/w generalized weakness and shortness of breath.

The pain in the legs were aggravated during the last 2 months ,at the same time patient developed sudden diminision of vision in left eye,where they visited the local ophthalmologist treated with topical drugs.patient was referred to general physician in view of generalized weakness 

The treating physician found hb  of 3.2 g/dl for which he was referred to kims for further evaluation.

H/o headache occasionally over temporal region

H/o loss of appetite since 10 days,h/o occasional nausea

H/o surgery to the spine (in v/o disc prolapse) 4 yrs back

h/o hypothyroidism detected 3 days back (on levothyroxine)

No h/o palpitations,giddiness,pedal edema

No h/o HTN,DM,epilepsy,TB,Asthma 

Family history: not significant 

Personal history:


Appetite:decreased since 10 days


Bowel and bladder:regular

General examination 


Temp: afebrile




Pallor: present

No cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy,pedal edema

Systemic examination 


B/l air entry present

Normal vesicular breath sounds

No added sounds


S1S2 heard

No murmurs


Shape- elliptical 

No local raise of temperature,tenderness

No organomegaly,

Bowel sounds -present


Higher mental functions normal

Sensory and motor system- intact

Reflexes- intact

Cranial nerves- intact 


Hemogram done after blood transfusion on 11/9/2020

Second blood transfusion done on 13/9/2020

Diagnosis:Iron deficiency anemia?nutritional

Treatment given:

1)Two blood transfusions done

2) tab orofer xt po/od

3) tab mvt po/od


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